Thursday, August 10, 2006

Recipe: Grilled "P-B-C" Sandwich

From the 1947 Heinz Salad Book

peanut butter
chili sauce
sweet gherkins
slices of bacon

The bread for sandwiches should be cut very thin and spread lightly with softened butter. If the crusts are removed, the sandwiches will be more dainty, but they may be left on for the more hearty sandwiches suitable for picnics and the school lunch box.

Use three slices of bacon for each sandwich. Toast slices of bread on one side only, having one for each sandwich. Spread untoasted side with peanut butter, then with chili sauce. Top with slices of bacon, the edges of which have been notched with a knife to prevent curling. Broil slowly until the bacon is slightly browned and crisp. Serve immediately with slices of gherkins. Add olives to garnish if you wish!


Kat said...


Anonymous said...

Where the hell do you FIND these things?? O_o Bacon, peanut butter, chili sauce and pickles?? OMG, just throw on a scoop of that corn-and-cheese ice cream that I saw elsewhere, and it's a pregnant woman's dream-come-true!

Tits McGee said...

I just threw up all over my keyboard.

Also, genius inclusion of the Breakfast Club still.