Thursday, October 26, 2006

You Are The Sun, I Am The Moon, You Are The Words, I Am The Tune, Play Me.

Jeffy and his sextant, thought Something about that intoxicating combination sent her heart pitter-pat! ....right into a heady tailspin. Was it the way he angled it? The keen, penetrating stare? His keen sense of...a new direction?

Someday, after her leg operation, she would follow him and his sextant to the ends of the earth, looking upon them with the adoring gaze of unrequited love for a man married to science alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeffy also appears to have built a keen model of the Schrodinger's Cat experiment, as shown in the inset. Alas, none of the neighbors were willing to let him borrow their cat, but someday, he would show them all the genius of his ways.