Saturday, August 12, 2006

Memories of the Vortex - Cookie Puss

After emerging from the alien udder of a dying world, Cookie Puss was frozen in the vast black emptiness of space. He drifts there still, waiting endlessly for an highly advanced, space-faring culture to set their ravenous cosmonaut children upon him. We love you Cookie Puss


Tits McGee said...

Mmm...Cookie Puss.

Celia Pleete said...

Ground control to Cookie Puss....take your ice cream pills and get your freezin' on...

Kat said...

Whoever thought that was a good a geeeni-ous. NO, no...a super geeeni-ous. Now where's my fork?

Hussein's son's are still alive and with us!!!
LOoK! Th wv gods told me so: huday